15. How Hyatt? Tratoria Sette Italian Restaruant (Higashiyama, Kyoto)--Ken
One night in Kyoto, we took the easy route, the very easy route. We ate at Tratoria Sette Italian Restaruant at the Hyatt Regency.This was a terrific meal. Great bread, great pasta arrabiata and pizza, great wine comp! One of the best parts was our very genial waiter. He was from Nepal, of all places, and he has never been to the USA, but I swore up and down that he had a California accent on his perfect English.
When I told him that Bill Goldberg the wrestler (he asked) was my cousin (not true), he told me that His Holiness the Dalai Lama was his uncle (touché).

Maybe the funniest part was when I tried to negotiate a doggie bag. Ha! No way. But they did bring the leftovers to our room in a silver platter, 20 minutes after the meal.